Tibetan Memorial Quilt Project

Tibetan Memorial Quilt Project

In 2009, the Tibetan Association of Northern California initiated the Tibetan Memorial Quilt Project to commemorate 50 years of Tibet’s occupation by China. This project was launched on April 25, 2009 during His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s visit to the Bay Area. His Holiness was presented with the first TMQP quilt and he blessed the project. The quilts memorialize the more than 1.2 million Tibetans who have died in the struggle for justice and freedom. Many of these Tibetans are monks and nuns persecuted for their belief in Tibetan Buddhism and their uncompromising loyalty to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

The mission of TMQP is to raise awareness about Tibet using an approach that is creative, collective and convenient for community participation. The project seeks to create a collection of visually-compelling quilts that honor the s/heroes of Tibet who gave their lives in pursuit of freedom for Tibet while invoking spiritual courage and resilience. The vision is also for TMQP to become a “Tibetan diaspora project,” with many Tibetans communities across the world creating similar quilts for public exhibitions.

As a committee member for the duration of the project, my involvement included making borders for the quilts, installing and initiating exhibitions (including one at Rock! Paper! Scissors! in Oakland CA, pictured).

at RPS