Archives for category: Uncategorized

Disturbing, & a great example of a simple, compelling critical reading:

We have a full schedule for Thursday!

Updated schedule is on ecommons. I think we’re in good shape, schedule-wise. We have too many people for the 26th and 2nd, but we can just do as many as we can and let any overflow be pushed into the final exam time on the 8th. Folks scheduled for the 8th, please do confirm that you don’t have a final exam immediately before the presentation (or confirm that you’re ok doing this on the same day!).

On the 14th, we’ll be hearing from:

1. Thomas H
2. Connie P
3. Evan M
4. Priya M
5. Jordan S

Please be in touch if you have any questions about the assignment due next week. I know it’s extremely open ended. But I hope the episodes of PPTV inspired you. I’ve been talking to a lot of you and you seem to be leaning toward commentary/remix formats, which is excellent! Remixes are highly encouraged, as long as I have a clear understanding of what *your* intervention is.

Sorry for the ecommons mixup–do check out the Wark essay and let me know if you have any trouble accessing ecommons.
Also, here is Hennessy Youngman on Modernism (NSFW):

ART THOUGHTZ: Post-Structuralism from Hennessy Youngman on Vimeo.

Was there another one on modernism? this is the only one i remember seeing.

And on Joseph Beuys:

Hennessy is Jayson Musson.

there is a pdf up on ecommons called Beautiful Future that would be worth a look for tomorrow’s class meeting. I would have made it required reading but it dropped off my radar until today. Check it out, esp. if you haven’t bought the book yet–

Celebrity surrogacy with Elizabeth Banks!

The reason I am linking to US Magazine (not a usual academic source) will make sense when we watch Baby $M next week. Keeping an eye out for how a given issue is treated in the media, surrogacy, or anything else, will be useful for your own critical reading practice.

Uploaded all readings & syllabus to ecommons. Enrolled students should be able to access everything. Anyone crashing, write to me for readings & syllabus.

I’m also in the middle of putting a bunch of books on reserve at McHenry. Look for those soon! Videos are already on reserve in the Media Center.

This course will take the photo, collage, video, and written work of Martha Rosler as the starting point for a rigorous interrogation of how your own artistic practice interfaces with politics, media, and visual and written expression. Who is your audience? How does text work within your practice? How do you respond to current events? How do you work with and credit collaborators? Rosler has addressed these questions and more in both her written and visual work, inspiring younger artists to resist modernist paradigms and create situated, context-rich art. We will look at Rosler’s work alongside the work of her contemporaries and artists she has influenced. Course projects are designed to engage Rosler’s methods and materials while remaining focused on the concerns of your practice and your cultural milieu.