key to xeroxes of journals, books, and ILL requests






Anonymous. Effective Respect for the Rights and Dignity of Migrants: New Needs and Responses. Migration World Magazine.

Barnett, Victoria. "Bearing Witness." The Christian Century.

Cash, William. "Spielberg Slips on the Celluloid Deck." The Spectator.

Cauldwell, D. O. Male Homosexuals Tell Their Stories. Excerpts. (The xeroxing here was done by another library; I had asked for the whole book, but this is what they sent me. Relations with ILL were tense in the final days of the term, so I did not pursue the rest of the book.)

Churchill, Wainwright. Homosexual Behavior Among Males. Excerpts, including "Homosexuality and the Law" and "Sex and Morality."

Comstock, Gary. Violence Against Lesbians and Gay Men. Chapter 1, appendix F, Notes.

Dean, Dawson F. A distant relation perhaps? hee hee...Significant Characteristics of the Homosexual personality. Ph.D. thesis. Excerpts, including the "historical overview" and a few case studies. Note esp. Case No. XVII, "Homosexual Behavior Without Homosexual Desire."

D'Emilio, John. Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities. "Bonds of Oppression: Gay Life in the 1950s."

Frieman, Ziva. "The sorrow and the pity." Progressive Architecture.

Frost, Adam. "Making Use of the Holocaust."

Glick, Burton. "Homosexual Panic: Clinical and Theoretical Considerations." Journal of Nervous Diseases.

Grahn, Judy. Another Mother Tongue excerpts (about butch-femme bars).

Herek, Gregory and Kevin T. Berrill, ed. Hate Crimes: Confronting Violence against Lesbians and Gay Men. Excerpts, including a "Survivor's Story" from Claudia Brenner (Appalachia Trail murder of Rebecca Wight).

Katz, Gay American history: Lesbians and Gay Men in the U.S.A. Extensive excerpts; don't know what I was thinking.

Kempf, Edward J. Psychopathology. Excerpts, including some case studies.

McDonald, William F. "Victimless Crimes: A description of offenders and their prosecution in DC"--this was an ILL microfiche, so I just printed the whole thing.

MacNamara, Donal and Edward Sagarin. Sex, Crime, and the Law. Excerpts. Cited in Comstock.

MaGee, Bryan. One in Twenty: A Study of Homosexuality in Men and Women. This is really funny.

Meier, Robert F. Victimless Crime? Prostitution, Drugs, Homosexuality, Abortion. Excerpts, including Drugs and Homosexuality.

Model, F Peter. "The Never-Ending Horror" in Wilson Library Bulletin.

Orwin, Clifford. "Distant Compassion." The National Interest.

Scroth. "Tragedy and Journalistic Conscience."

Sorker, Michael. "The Holocaust Museum: Between Beauty and Horror." Progressive Architecture.

Stier, Oren Baruch. "Virtual Memories: Mediation the Holocaust at the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Beit Hashoah-Museum of Tolerance." Journal of American Academy of Religion.

Susskind, H. Review of Spectacular Suffering in Choice.

Vining, Donald. A Gay Diary: 1933-1946. This is from one volume of a three-volume diary, all pages were cited in Comstock. Some of this is really interesting. I got it through ILL.